Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No Thread to Tiny to Pull....

Ah, the Sherlockians.
Yes, my friends, draw your attention over here! With season 3 taking its sweet time getting here, we have been driven completely and utterly INSANE. In fact, there are those of us... oh who am I kidding? ALL of us have watched those precious six episodes over and over and OVER again! Analyzing EVERYTHING. And I mean E-VER-Y-THING! Some of these theories are crazy and so thought out!
I have seen one theory about The Fall that I am able to put my money on, or at least I found it interesting. This particular Sherlockian has pulled threads more than I have seen anyone before! It's crazy!  If you're looking for a good read, take a look at this article! It's amazing!

Definitely worth your time. Go on, click it! http://finalproblem.tumblr.com/post/16962160223/loose-threads
Spoiler alert! If you haven't seen The Reichenbach Fall yet, DO NOT READ. Unless you want to be confused out of your mind!


Jaquelyn Mace

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